Rescue 3 Europe has a range of safety courses, designed for film, TV and media production crew. The courses draw on Rescue 3’s more than forty years of experience in developing and accrediting safety and technical rescue courses.
The suite of courses for production crew have been developed in conjunction with Adventure Consultancy. They are a Rescue 3 training provider with a proven track record in working in film and TV as safety advisors, consultants, production trainers and expedition logistics experts, with clients including the BBC, Netflix, Discovery Channel, Sky and Amazon Prime.
There are safety courses for production crew across the whole range of Rescue 3’s syllabus:
Safe Working Near Water for Production Crew (SWNWPC) is a 1-day course, for production crew who need to work safely near water.
Safe Working In Water for Production Crew (SWIWPC) is a 2-day course, with a higher capability than the SWNWPC course, including elements of working in water, and basic techniques for rescuing a colleague.
Lifejacket Use for Production Crew (LJUPC) is a half-day course, looking specifically at lifejacket use, for example if production crew have existing water awareness training.
Safe Operating in Boats for Production Crew (SOBPC) is a 1-day course for helping production crew gain confidence as a passenger in a boat on flat or moving water, whilst undertaking their tasks related to filming.
Outdoor Risk Management for Production Crew (ORMPC) is a 2-day course for production crew working in remote areas, upland terrain and/or unfamiliar terrain. The course enables them to identify hazards and give them basic skills to work safely and deal with incidents in these environments.
Safe Working at Height for Production Crew (SWAHPC) is a 1-day course that gives production crew members the knowledge and skills to recognise height-related risks, and apply appropriate safe systems of work.
Safe Working on Ice for Production Crew (SWIPC) is a 2-day course, for production crew working on or near ice, including ice testing, safe travelling on ice, and self-rescue techniques.
All the courses have been designed to meet the varied needs of production crew. The courses cover working within a safe system of work including risk assessments and other forms of pre-planning by off-site safety advisors. They also cover the realities of working on location with on-site safety cover, understanding of the capabilities of the safety teams and equipment they’ll be working with. The course include practical skills for working safely in complex environments, plus basic self-rescue and techniques for rescuing a colleague.
By undertaking Rescue 3 training, production crew who work in potentially hazardous environments will safely be able to get the perfect shot.